Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers Quiz and Answer Key Bundle

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Evaluate general reading comprehension and eliminate assessment planning responsibilities with this bundle of plot-based quizzes covering the entirety of Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers. The assessments may double as guided reading worksheets to facilitate active engagement with the novel. Answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. (Alternatively, a self-grading Google Drive bundle is available.) Information on each resource follows.

Chapters 1-4 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • Perry's home city

  • Perry's hopes and dreams

  • Perry's motivations for serving in the military

  • Perry's physical limitations

  • Rumors concerning the war

  • Peewee's erratic behavior

  • Perry's relation to Kenny

  • Why Peewee likes being in the military

  • Jenkins' motivations for serving in the military

  • Why Lt. Carroll refers to Jenkins as an "angel warrior"

  • The veteran soldiers' perception of Lt. Carroll

  • The reason for a mission to a Vietnamese village

Chapters 5-8 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • Lt. Carroll's request of Perry

  • Perry's loyalty to his squad

  • Lobel's mindset at he is on patrol

  • Perry's stated reason for being a soldier

  • The reason Perry does not participate in the killing of an adversary

  • Perry's mindset as he looks at the corpse of the adversary

  • Captain Stewart's lies

  • Perry's physical condition

  • The reason for a fistfight between two characters

  • Why Peewee asks Perry to write a letter to Earlene

  • A major mistake by another squad

  • Lt. Carroll's generosity

  • Perry's request of Brew

Chapters 9-12 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • Monaco's reckless behavior

  • The purpose of a visit to a Vietnamese village

  • Brunner's behavior while in the Vietnamese village

  • Johnson's defense of Perry

  • What Peewee wants to buy while in the Vietnamese village

  • The content of a letter Lobel receives

  • Kenny's personal goals as outlined in his letter to Perry

  • Peewee's emotional state as he interacts with Red Cross representatives

  • The location where the squad will wait to ambush enemy forces

  • The death of a character following a conflict

  • Who is tasked with notifying the dead character's family

  • Perry's declining of an offer from Stewart

  • Perry's learning of how Vietnamese forces treat hostages

  • Lobel's extreme guilt

  • The author of a letter sent to Peewee

  • A lengthy discussion on draft-dodging

Chapters 13-15 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • The rumor circulating about the war

  • An incident that jeopardizes the squad's safety

  • Who accepts responsibility for the aforementioned incident

  • The reason for a group vote

  • The main purpose of the American soldiers’ mission to ambush Vietnamese forces

  • Perry's brush with death

  • How Peewee is affected by events

  • The ARVN

  • Jamal's role

  • Tam Ky

  • Why Gearhart does not order his men to fire upon enemy forces

  • Simpson's feelings toward Captain Stewart

  • Perry's physical condition

Chapters 16-19 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • The nature of Perry's injuries

  • Judy's role

  • What happens to Brew

  • What Perry sends Kenny

  • The squad's suspicions about Dongan

  • Dongan's trick to make enemy forces vulnerable to attack

  • A booby-trapped child

  • Perry's observations before shooting an enemy soldier

  • Dongan's death

  • The reason for burning American soldiers' bodies

  • The incident involving a jet

Chapters 20-23 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • Monaco's hallucinations

  • The reason Gearhart hands Perry a letter

  • What Gearhart hands Walowick

  • Why Perry feels distressed when writing to Kenny

  • Brunner's new role

  • Qualities Perry and Peewee share in common

  • How Perry and Peewee are separated from their peers

  • Where Perry and Peewee spend a night

  • The Viet Cong fighters' trap

  • Perry's concerns for his physical condition

  • An update on Judy Duncan

  • Characters who are sent home

Instructional materials are available for a variety of novels:

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Evaluate general reading comprehension and eliminate assessment planning responsibilities with this bundle of plot-based quizzes covering the entirety of Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers. The assessments may double as guided reading worksheets to facilitate active engagement with the novel. Answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. (Alternatively, a self-grading Google Drive bundle is available.) Information on each resource follows.

Chapters 1-4 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • Perry's home city

  • Perry's hopes and dreams

  • Perry's motivations for serving in the military

  • Perry's physical limitations

  • Rumors concerning the war

  • Peewee's erratic behavior

  • Perry's relation to Kenny

  • Why Peewee likes being in the military

  • Jenkins' motivations for serving in the military

  • Why Lt. Carroll refers to Jenkins as an "angel warrior"

  • The veteran soldiers' perception of Lt. Carroll

  • The reason for a mission to a Vietnamese village

Chapters 5-8 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • Lt. Carroll's request of Perry

  • Perry's loyalty to his squad

  • Lobel's mindset at he is on patrol

  • Perry's stated reason for being a soldier

  • The reason Perry does not participate in the killing of an adversary

  • Perry's mindset as he looks at the corpse of the adversary

  • Captain Stewart's lies

  • Perry's physical condition

  • The reason for a fistfight between two characters

  • Why Peewee asks Perry to write a letter to Earlene

  • A major mistake by another squad

  • Lt. Carroll's generosity

  • Perry's request of Brew

Chapters 9-12 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • Monaco's reckless behavior

  • The purpose of a visit to a Vietnamese village

  • Brunner's behavior while in the Vietnamese village

  • Johnson's defense of Perry

  • What Peewee wants to buy while in the Vietnamese village

  • The content of a letter Lobel receives

  • Kenny's personal goals as outlined in his letter to Perry

  • Peewee's emotional state as he interacts with Red Cross representatives

  • The location where the squad will wait to ambush enemy forces

  • The death of a character following a conflict

  • Who is tasked with notifying the dead character's family

  • Perry's declining of an offer from Stewart

  • Perry's learning of how Vietnamese forces treat hostages

  • Lobel's extreme guilt

  • The author of a letter sent to Peewee

  • A lengthy discussion on draft-dodging

Chapters 13-15 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • The rumor circulating about the war

  • An incident that jeopardizes the squad's safety

  • Who accepts responsibility for the aforementioned incident

  • The reason for a group vote

  • The main purpose of the American soldiers’ mission to ambush Vietnamese forces

  • Perry's brush with death

  • How Peewee is affected by events

  • The ARVN

  • Jamal's role

  • Tam Ky

  • Why Gearhart does not order his men to fire upon enemy forces

  • Simpson's feelings toward Captain Stewart

  • Perry's physical condition

Chapters 16-19 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • The nature of Perry's injuries

  • Judy's role

  • What happens to Brew

  • What Perry sends Kenny

  • The squad's suspicions about Dongan

  • Dongan's trick to make enemy forces vulnerable to attack

  • A booby-trapped child

  • Perry's observations before shooting an enemy soldier

  • Dongan's death

  • The reason for burning American soldiers' bodies

  • The incident involving a jet

Chapters 20-23 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • Monaco's hallucinations

  • The reason Gearhart hands Perry a letter

  • What Gearhart hands Walowick

  • Why Perry feels distressed when writing to Kenny

  • Brunner's new role

  • Qualities Perry and Peewee share in common

  • How Perry and Peewee are separated from their peers

  • Where Perry and Peewee spend a night

  • The Viet Cong fighters' trap

  • Perry's concerns for his physical condition

  • An update on Judy Duncan

  • Characters who are sent home

Instructional materials are available for a variety of novels:

Evaluate general reading comprehension and eliminate assessment planning responsibilities with this bundle of plot-based quizzes covering the entirety of Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers. The assessments may double as guided reading worksheets to facilitate active engagement with the novel. Answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. (Alternatively, a self-grading Google Drive bundle is available.) Information on each resource follows.

Chapters 1-4 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • Perry's home city

  • Perry's hopes and dreams

  • Perry's motivations for serving in the military

  • Perry's physical limitations

  • Rumors concerning the war

  • Peewee's erratic behavior

  • Perry's relation to Kenny

  • Why Peewee likes being in the military

  • Jenkins' motivations for serving in the military

  • Why Lt. Carroll refers to Jenkins as an "angel warrior"

  • The veteran soldiers' perception of Lt. Carroll

  • The reason for a mission to a Vietnamese village

Chapters 5-8 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • Lt. Carroll's request of Perry

  • Perry's loyalty to his squad

  • Lobel's mindset at he is on patrol

  • Perry's stated reason for being a soldier

  • The reason Perry does not participate in the killing of an adversary

  • Perry's mindset as he looks at the corpse of the adversary

  • Captain Stewart's lies

  • Perry's physical condition

  • The reason for a fistfight between two characters

  • Why Peewee asks Perry to write a letter to Earlene

  • A major mistake by another squad

  • Lt. Carroll's generosity

  • Perry's request of Brew

Chapters 9-12 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • Monaco's reckless behavior

  • The purpose of a visit to a Vietnamese village

  • Brunner's behavior while in the Vietnamese village

  • Johnson's defense of Perry

  • What Peewee wants to buy while in the Vietnamese village

  • The content of a letter Lobel receives

  • Kenny's personal goals as outlined in his letter to Perry

  • Peewee's emotional state as he interacts with Red Cross representatives

  • The location where the squad will wait to ambush enemy forces

  • The death of a character following a conflict

  • Who is tasked with notifying the dead character's family

  • Perry's declining of an offer from Stewart

  • Perry's learning of how Vietnamese forces treat hostages

  • Lobel's extreme guilt

  • The author of a letter sent to Peewee

  • A lengthy discussion on draft-dodging

Chapters 13-15 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • The rumor circulating about the war

  • An incident that jeopardizes the squad's safety

  • Who accepts responsibility for the aforementioned incident

  • The reason for a group vote

  • The main purpose of the American soldiers’ mission to ambush Vietnamese forces

  • Perry's brush with death

  • How Peewee is affected by events

  • The ARVN

  • Jamal's role

  • Tam Ky

  • Why Gearhart does not order his men to fire upon enemy forces

  • Simpson's feelings toward Captain Stewart

  • Perry's physical condition

Chapters 16-19 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • The nature of Perry's injuries

  • Judy's role

  • What happens to Brew

  • What Perry sends Kenny

  • The squad's suspicions about Dongan

  • Dongan's trick to make enemy forces vulnerable to attack

  • A booby-trapped child

  • Perry's observations before shooting an enemy soldier

  • Dongan's death

  • The reason for burning American soldiers' bodies

  • The incident involving a jet

Chapters 20-23 Quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

  • Monaco's hallucinations

  • The reason Gearhart hands Perry a letter

  • What Gearhart hands Walowick

  • Why Perry feels distressed when writing to Kenny

  • Brunner's new role

  • Qualities Perry and Peewee share in common

  • How Perry and Peewee are separated from their peers

  • Where Perry and Peewee spend a night

  • The Viet Cong fighters' trap

  • Perry's concerns for his physical condition

  • An update on Judy Duncan

  • Characters who are sent home

Instructional materials are available for a variety of novels:

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Evaluate general reading comprehension and eliminate assessment planning responsibilities with this bundle of plot-based quizzes covering the entirety of Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers. The assessments may double as guided reading worksheets to facilitate active engagement with the novel. Answer keys are provided.